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He lived for his country. He died for his fellowmen. Stronger than Dr. Rizal and Andres Bonifacio combined, let us meet once again: Wenceslao "Bintao" Q. Vinzons. .
On this same day of 1910, God smiled down at the quaint town of Indan, Camarines Norte. In a noble home, a little wonder named “Bintao” was born.
Gabino Vinzons and Engracia Quinito’s son was an amazing boy right from the moment he learned to speak. As he grew up, Bintao’s life was decorated with awards and honor. His hands were shaken countless times by the same hands who held power in his country.

Bintao was a mesmerizing public speaker and orator, debater, activist and leader. He graduated from and conquered University of the Philippines-Diliman with his drive for equality, innovation, unity, and justice.

You might think that Bintao was the type of academe who did not want to soil his leather shoes. But, Bintao was the type of man who can be a victor not only by his mind, but also with his hands.

Wenceslao Q. Vinzons was the forefather of the Guerilla Movement in the Philippines when he organized the “Vinzons Guerilla” during the Japanese Philippine Invasion. He led 2,800 CamNorteños to fight off the Japanese army at Laniton, Basud.

Vinzons soldiered on with his wit, heart, and physique—a true man and hero. He and his men never backed down to surrender until they reached their desire to keep their beloved province and country free.

But, just like all heroes, Vinzons was eventually captured and killed by the Japanese invaders on July 15, 1952. He was bayoneted by his captors in an attempt to make Vinzons betray his fellowmen.

But, these are the only words Vinzons had for them: “Nothing can make me happier than to die for my country, Major. You will die too.”

When Vinzons’ life was taken, he not only left a small, loving family in this world, but also a tremendous spirit of COURAGE, CHARACTER, and COMMUNITARIANISM.

Such is the gravity of loss and gratitude was felt by his fellowmen, that the town he was born in was eventually named after him—so are the many infrastructures made in his honor.


The 28th day of September of all the years to come is dedicated to REMEMBER and COMMEMORATE the existence, legacy, and heroism of Wenceslao Q. Vinzons.

May this celebration of Vinzons’ 113th Birth Anniversary be a heartfelt reminder to us that Camarines Norte and the Philippines is worth the pain, tears, hardships, and sacrifices. We, as modern-day CamNorteños are called to reflect our contribution to our country and do better.

Start small. Be a CamNorteño of good character and take courage to work and sacrifice for our community.

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